Senior Cricket

Little Bardfield Village Cricket Club has two senior cricket sides.

Our Saturday XI competes in the Marshall Hatchick Two Counties Division Three (we tried Division Two for a while but it really wasn't for us), whilst our Sunday XI play local friendly fixtures.

Our aim is to offer opportunities to all abilities and involve anyone willing to give it a try. We are always on the look out for new players so if you're interested please do get in touch either through the contact form, by emailing or messaging one our social medias. 

LBVCC Senior Cricket Links

Follow the links below to find out more about LBVCC Senior Cricket this season. 

Senior Cricket Training 

Come and have a go! 

From April - September senior cricket training takes place at our home ground on Tuesday evenings. The club is always open to new players regardless of experience and/or ability so please come along and have a go! 

If nothing else, the bar will be open... (once we are allowed to). 

Days - Tuesdays 
Time - 6.15pm - Dark 
Location - Little Bardfield Cricket Club, Bardfield Road, Church End, Little Bardfield, Essex, CM7 4TS 

LBVCC | 2021 | Fortress Bardfield
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